Thursday, August 22, 2013

40wks Post Op!

Hello wk 40! It was a nice week I shall say, this weekend Isaac and I went and spent Saturday in Little Italy in Cleveland for the Feast of Assumption and had lil bit of Italian! mmm Meatballs! hehe well Meatball the one I had was so big I could only eat the one!

Here is the "MEATBALL" lol funny thing is when I see this picture I dont see the food in the picture I see my LAP, I actually have a lap now, it had been hiding under my enormous stomach for so many years that I have no idea what it looked like to have a lap. I cry looking at this picture and actually see that 130lbs of me is gone and I look small and feel great.
On the fitness front I am in the middle of WK7 of C25K out of 9wks and I am running at 25 mins straight. Its a killer!! I do need to take a few short stops usually after I get done with the first mile, then I get going again. I am doing better and am loving it. I will be sad when the program is over with. But I plan to go back into the gym after I finish the training. I miss my gym time, but I do however love the training. I will keep up my running as part of my cardio at them gym and get back to weigh training. And start to really tone.
Here is the am I am using.
I am 49lbs away from my personal goal as of today! I am aiming for 130! Dr seems to think its a rather hard goal to reach... not sure I believe him. We shall see. His goal was 150-155 with I am 24-29lbs away from that goal. I am in aw of the numbers when I really sit down and look at them starting at 309 and saying I have a goal of wanting to lose 179lbs! I never thought it would be possible. Getting out of the 300's was nice, getting to the 200's was even nicer, leaving the 200's in the dust and being at 170's is amazing I can only imagine how I will feel in another few months.